May Newsletter

Our Website and Social Media is Live! Check our website out at Follow us on our social media platforms and receive updates regularly! District 2 Park Tour 2023 and Beyond This month’s park tour was truly a delight, and I was thrilled to share updates and insights with many of you. From Governor Kemp signing the SPLOST 2 Legislation, my SPLOST resolution advocating for citizen participation in new project lists, establishing priorities, to the updates on the Mason Mill Park Master Plan and the Recreation Center Feasibility report status – we’ve certainly covered a lot of ground. Reflecting on my initial period in office, I think back to what I call the “listening and learning journey” across the 5 Ps – people, pets, potholes, parks, and public safety. In these initial months, we’ve built a solid District 2 team, established communication platforms and protocols for constituents, and completed various new commissioner trainings, tours, site visits, and the ARC’s Community Planning Academy. Now, our team is swiftly moving forward – strategizing and planning key priorities for the year ahead. As always, my top priority is YOU – being available, responsive, and accountable to our county’s citizens. Work continues on many District 2 roadway projects, from pedestrian crossings, signal upgrades and roadway safety concerns addressed by DeKalb Transportation and the Georgia Department of Transportation, to paving, potholes, stormwater issues and water & sewer upgrades under DeKalb’s Watershed and Public Works Departments.  We are addressing your infrastructure needs. In addition, we are addressing issues related to park projects, animal services, and housing and homelessness, as well as leveraging SPLOST and ARC funding to accomplish the many needed projects in District 2. I am looking forward to sharing more information with you later in the year on how we are innovatively and creatively tackling these issues. We are looking forward to future park meetings later in the year. If you would like me to join you in your park, at a meeting, or in your neighborhood, please reach out to Caroline Enloe at to set up. BOC ACTION I’m excited to share the latest initiatives and efforts we’ve embarked on in District 2 to support our diverse community. First, I’m pleased to announce a grant of $30,000 to Stride Ahead Inc. This support will fund Equine Therapy at Little Creek Horse Farm, promoting mental health and personal development. The allocation comes directly from District 2’s American Rescue Plan funding and underlines our commitment to innovative and impactful approaches to health and wellness. In addition to this, we’ve also allocated $50,000 to Prospera for a Latino Entrepreneurship Program in DeKalb County. This initiative will provide education, technical assistance, and capital support to Latino entrepreneurs in our area. By investing in this program, we are fostering a more inclusive economy and supporting the growth of diverse businesses in our county. Finally, our SPLOST 2 Resolution, an important piece of legislation that calls for a public engagement process in identifying SPLOST-2 funded projects, was approved 6-0. This resolution seeks to ensure that citizen feedback, data-driven decision making, and transparency are at the heart of decisions about how and where SPLOST 2 funding should be allocated. The potential for a second SPLOST is scheduled to be on the ballot in November and this process invites community members to take an active role in shaping the future of our county. We will announce community input meetings that will be taking place over the summer. On the evening of May 17th, I will be in Mason Mill Park at the Recreation Center for an update on the Mason Mill Park Master Plan and a report on the feasibility study for a new recreation center in D2.   Saturday, May 20th will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Deepdene Park, followed by 11:30 a.m. in Briarlake Forest Park, and then I will round out the day with a visit to Frazier Rowe Park at 1:30 p.m. to greet volunteers and hear feedback from citizens on a new vision for Frazier Rowe Park. I look forward to spending the evening at the Beacon Hill for Black Alliance for Human Rights’ FunkFest in Decatur where we will honor and welcome home community elders from the historic Beacon Hill community. Of special note, Brookhaven Councilwoman Madeleine Simmons has invited me to her virtual townhall on May 22nd to speak with Brookhaven residents. At the last Board of Commissioners meeting on May 23rd at 9 a.m., I will honor DeKalb’s Friends of Park Volunteers with a Proclamation thanking them for countless hours of service in DeKalb County parks. Please join me for any and all of these events next month! Honoring DeKalb Friends of Parks Groups A Proclamation of Appreciation and a Promise of Renewal All throughout DeKalb County, volunteers have dedicated countless hours to the beautification and improvement of our local parks. In May, it was my distinct honor to recognize the DeKalb Friends of Parks groups with a proclamation, acknowledging the immense value their tireless efforts bring to our community spaces. May 23rd has now been officially proclaimed “Friends of Parks Day” in DeKalb County! These volunteers, over 19,000 of our neighbors, have clocked in over 68,000 hours to uplift our shared green spaces. Their collective work fosters not only aesthetic improvements, but also nurtures the spirit of community, and for this, we extend our profound gratitude. If you’ve ever enjoyed a day at one of our parks, you’ve felt the impact of their dedication. As we look forward, we are thrilled to announce that the next cycle of grant funding from Park Pride is imminent. This is an exciting opportunity for parks in need of a little extra care to apply for. Through Park Pride’s Grantmaking Program, we have the chance to apply for various improvements, ranging from new playgrounds, trails, and exercise equipment to informational signage, rain gardens, and art installations. I encourage interested parties to attend the upcoming virtual information session for unincorporated DeKalb on June 2. This

April Newsletter

Earth Day 2023 What a full and joyful experience Earth Day 2023 turned out to be! We kicked off last week with Commissioner Ted Terry’s Green New Deal highlighting sustainability efforts in many areas of the county. On Friday, my office was delighted to team up with DeKalb Sustainability and Trees Atlanta for a day of service removing English Ivy and restoring the forest at DeKalb Memorial Park. Saturday commenced with Decatur Mayor Patti Garrett and Commissioner Ted Terry welcoming citizens for an afternoon of Earth Day activities on the Decatur Square. The Decatur expo educated all on various aspects of sustainability, conservation, clean air and climate change. Afterward, I was able to catch a little basketball at the Full Court Press Basketball Tournament hosted by the DeKalb Criminal Justice Treatment Coalition and Advisory Council to the MMHC. Go team! Glenn Creek Nature Preserve hosted an afternoon Spring Fling to raise funds to improve the nature preserve and I enjoyed meeting neighbors working hard to protect this land and creek at the headwaters of Peavine Creek. I ended the day in Emory Village at the Coca-Cola “Clean Up the Creek” concert, benefitting a Rainwater Garden at Peavine Creek. This project aims to abate stormwater runoff and erosion while cleaning our waterways. It was a great day to be with friends, old and new, and to celebrate this big, beautiful Earth. “It’s been a great honor to work with the commissioners,” remarked Senator Kim Jackson, District 41, as she welcomed the CEO and Commissioners at the celebration and congratulated all on the passage of HB 431.This bill removes the restriction limiting what capital outlay projects DeKalb can spend SPLOST funds on, and allows us to use SPLOST funds, with the approval of a voter referendum, for all items that any other county in the state can. We look forward to hearing next steps from the administration on the development of a project list followed by a robust community input experience. A SPLOST Committee of the Whole (COW) is scheduled for April 20 at 9 am. D2 Happenings Stay up to date on what’s happening in DeKalb with video messages from Commissioner Spears. Subscribe to her YouTube channel. BOC AGENDA ITEM ACTION In April, I appointed Ron Nawrocki and reappointed Allen Venet to the District 2 Community Council. I also supported the Rainwater Garden at Peavine Creek in Emory Village with an allocation of $5,000 and appropriated another $5,000 to Beacon Hill Black Alliance for Human Rights’ FunkFest, part of Decatur’s Bicentennial Celebration, educating the community on the history and stories of the historic African American community of Beacon Hill. I also introduced an amendment to Chapter 4 of DeKalb’s code that would apply to businesses operating under the Emory Village Overlay. With this change, DeKalb welcomes new business SAVI Market, opening soon in Emory Village. The SPLOST Resolution I introduced previously is working its way through the commission committee process. Stay tuned for action on this important piece of legislation asking for feedback and data on what citizens want funded with SPLOST 2 scheduled to be on the November ballot this year. Finally, I accepted an appointment from CEO Thurmond to serve on DeKalb’s Community Service Board. I look forward to learning more about this agency and working to address citizen’s needs through this appointment. Thank you, Mr. CEO! District 2 in DeKalb Parks in May In May, I will be making a tour of the district and look forward to joining many citizens in District 2 Parks.  Please join me for an update on my first 100 days in office, a report on SPLOST 2 legislation, and a listening session with citizens like you!   On the evening of May 17th, I will be in Mason Mill Park at the Recreation Center for an update on the Mason Mill Park Master Plan and a report on the feasibility study for a new recreation center in D2.   Saturday, May 20th will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Deepdene Park, followed by 11:30 a.m. in Briarlake Forest Park, and then I will round out the day with a visit to Frazier Rowe Park at 1:30 p.m. to greet volunteers and hear feedback from citizens on a new vision for Frazier Rowe Park. I look forward to spending the evening at the Beacon Hill for Black Alliance for Human Rights’ FunkFest in Decatur where we will honor and welcome home community elders from the historic Beacon Hill community. Of special note, Brookhaven Councilwoman Madeleine Simmons has invited me to her virtual townhall on May 22nd to speak with Brookhaven residents. At the last Board of Commissioners meeting on May 23rd at 9 a.m., I will honor DeKalb’s Friends of Park Volunteers with a Proclamation thanking them for countless hours of service in DeKalb County parks. Please join me for any and all of these events next month! Red Cross Needs Your Help to Aid Fire Victims Did you know that in its most recent fiscal year, the American Red Cross aided 1,299 victims of apartment fires in DeKalb County alone? Since January 1, 2023, five people have died in home fires in DeKalb County. If you want to help, now is the time because the Red Cross needs volunteers and blood donations to assist those displaced by fire. Each time you hear about an apartment fire in DeKalb County, Red Cross volunteers are there working with citizens to connect them with temporary shelter, food, clothing and more.   Just this month on Mountain Drive in Decatur, GA, ten units burned with 21 people living in them. The same day of the fire, volunteers met with the families to comfort them and provide direct client assistance for motel stays, clothing, food and hygiene products including medication, medical equipment, and eyeglasses. The Red Cross also follows up after a fire, designating emergency caseworkers to help with a recovery plan and referrals to other agencies that can assist with long-term care and support. Red Cross

March Newsletter

DeKalb Bicentennial Celebration Happy 200th Birthday DeKalb! On Thursday, March 23, CEO Michael Thurmond and the DeKalb County Commissioners joined the DeKalb Delegation in the Rotunda of the Georgia State Capitol for a bicentennial celebration. I was honored to represent District 2 and look forward to working with fellow commissioners and state representatives to address our community’s issues and concerns. “It’s been a great honor to work with the commissioners,” remarked Senator Kim Jackson, District 41, as she welcomed the CEO and Commissioners at the celebration and congratulated all on the passage of HB 431.This bill removes the restriction limiting what capital outlay projects DeKalb can spend SPLOST funds on, and allows us to use SPLOST funds, with the approval of a voter referendum, for all items that any other county in the state can. We look forward to hearing next steps from the administration on the development of a project list followed by a robust community input experience. A SPLOST Committee of the Whole (COW) is scheduled for April 20 at 9 am. Pendergrast Park Ribbon Cutting The weather could not have been more perfect for the Pendergrast Park ribbon cutting on March 30! This has been a long time coming – over 10 years due to delays related to construction and the pandemic. Special thanks to Paige Singer and Marvin Billups with DeKalb RPCA, Randy Roosa with Friends of Pendergrast Park, former Commissioner Jeff Rader, Callie Pendergrast, and all the neighbors who helped make this dream a reality. BOC Action on D2 BOARD APPOINTMENTS In March, I submitted reappointment agenda items for the SPLOST Oversight Committee and the District 2 Community Council. Nancy Love will continue to represent District 2 on the SPLOST Oversight Committee, and Ted Daniel, Tim Miner, Jim Smith, Bruce MacGregor, Mary Hinkel, and John Turner will all continue to serve on the Community Council. Their service is invaluable, and we truly appreciate their service to DeKalb County. The Healing Power of Parks 22nd Annual Parks & Greenspace Conference hosted by Park Pride On Monday, March 27, Park Pride hosted the annual Parks and Greenspace conference at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Each year, Park Pride brings together leaders in the Atlanta community and across the United States who work and volunteer in parks. This conference highlights the importance of protecting parks and this year presented many resources demonstrating the healing powers of parks. In January 2023, Park Pride announced its largest slate of awards with $2.5 million for 35 communities, including unincorporated DeKalb County, for park improvements. Park Pride continues to educate the public on best practices to improve and expand parks while focusing on the individuals who work to improve our parks across the county. District 2 was honored that one of our own, Valerie Boss, was awarded the 2023 Inspiration Award for her dedicated service over many years to the Ira B. Melton Park. Congratulations, Valerie! Women’s History Month: Women Leaders of District 2 This month, we honor past DeKalb County Commissioners of District 2: Liane Levetan, Sherry Sutton, Gale Walldorff, Judy Yates and Kathie Gannon. These ladies began their careers volunteering on important issues they cared about deeply. Liane Levetan, the first woman elected to the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners in 1975, served as the first female Chief Executive Officer of DeKalb from 1993 to 2000. She fiercely advocated for tax breaks for DeKalb property owners and worked tirelessly to pass and implement the first Homestead Option Sales Tax. “I was inspired to run and make a difference and I thank my husband for believing in me while I worked to represent District 2,” shared Levetan. Sherry Sutton, a resident of District 2, served as DeKalb District 2 Commissioner from 1985-1992. She vacated the seat and Gale Walldorff was elected in 1992 to finish out Sutton’s term.   Walldorff initially volunteered with CAUTION (Citizens Against Unnecessary Thoroughfares In Older Neighborhoods) to stop road construction through her neighborhood of Druid Hills. “Being a community activist and taking a stand to stop construction of a highway through my neighborhood inspired me to run for office.” Walldorff served for 14 years as District 2 Commissioner. Like Walldorff, Judy Yates also volunteered with CAUTION, and then she became D2 Planning Commissioner for Commissioner Sutton. Yates later served as Super District 6 Commissioner from 1993 – 2004. When the Super District 6 seat became vacant, Kathie Gannon ran and was elected, serving from 2004 to 2020. Gannon had volunteered with the Druid Hills Historic Preservation Commission and also worked with Court Appointed Special Advocates. As we end March 2023, we are grateful for the leadership of these women who served DeKalb County. DeKalb has a long history of strong female leaders who work hard to improve their neighborhoods and our county. I am proud to stand on the shoulders of these women and thank them for standing up and answering the call to serve.

February Newsletter

My County Commission Learning Journey Since stepping into this role on January 1, I have attended several trainings, meetings and workshops with both Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) and National Association of Counties (NACo). As of today, I am over half way complete with ACCG’s Lifelong Learning Academy core certification curriculum and hope to be complete by end of year. At the national level, several DeKalb commissioners attended the NACo legislative conference in Washington DC. We heard from President Biden, a former elected county official, who spoke highly of county government and the need to strengthen relationships with state and federal officials. We also met with the EPA and several regional representatives, FAA’s Office of Airports to discuss PDK, Secretary Marcia Fudge of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Senators Warnock and Ossoff.   Learn more about ACCG and NACo (respectively) at: and D2 Happenings As we kick off 2023, it’s easy to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in DeKalb with video messages from Commissioner Spears. Subscribe to her YouTube channel at February is Black History Month As we wrap up Black History Month, I’d like to highlight Historic Lynwood Park, dating back to the 1930s. Lynwood is the oldest African-American community in DeKalb County and was recognized as the first historic designation in Brookhaven. The City hosts the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration at the Lynwood Community Center, and Cassandra Bryant was honored for her many years of service to the Lynwood community. The center was formerly the Lynwood School until 1968 when it was integrated into the DeKalb County School District. The first class of students is known as the Lynwood Trailblazers, who were the students that “blazed the trails” of the formally all-Black, segregated Lynwood Schools and transferred into the formerly all-White schools as a result of desegregation. One of the three remaining churches in the Lynwood Community, Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church, is celebrating 100 years strong on March 19th through a series of lead up events, services and a gala on March 11. “It’s amazing to think about, but it was 100 years ago that a small group of people gathered with the desire to plant a church to have an impact on their community,” said Pastor Reginald R.J. Williams. For more info: 678-235-8692 New Murals at Mason Mill Park In February, I introduced an agenda item to support a community art project at Mason Mill Park. In the coming months, I’ll be leading a community engagement process with Ranger Jonah McDonald and Artist Yehimi Cambrón to create a mural series that reflects the character of the community. Yehimi immigrated to Buford Highway in Brookhaven when she was seven. She studied art at Agnes Scott College, joined Teach for America, and taught at Cross Keys High School from 2017 to 2019. Yehimi says, “I am currently a full-time artist and am so excited for this opportunity to create a community-responsive mural within the community that molded me.” Ranger Jonah is equally excited: “Mason Mill Park is already an important gathering place for the people of DeKalb and adding this fantastic mural will give us even more reason to connect.” I share their passion for art and parks! To learn more about the artist: To learn more about Mason Mill Park:

January Newsletter

Welcome New Board Member Appointments As my first official duty as District 2 Commissioner, I made several appointments at my first Board meeting. I recorded appointments for Mark Goldman to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Doug Miller to the Peachtree DeKalb Airport Advisory Board, Susan Neugent to the Charter Review Commission and Wardell Castles to the Animal Advisory Board. The Board also approved my appointment of Sally Sears to the Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs Citizen Advisory Board. I want to thank these citizens for their dedicated service to District 2 and for continuing to communicate and represent perspectives of the citizens. If you are interested in serving on a board or commission in District 2, please contact my office at 404-371-2863 or Happy New Year! As we kick off 2023, it’s easy to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in DeKalb with video messages from Commissioner Spears. Subscribe to her YouTube channel at Central DeKalb Senior Center Celebrates 8th Anniversary Central DeKalb Senior Center (CDSC) Seniors are happy to be back in action. Whether in Moovin & Groovin classes, the Art Studio or taking trips to Emory’s Emerson Hall for the Cooke Noontime Violin and Piano Concert, these seniors, under the extraordinary leadership of Victoria Kingsland, are on the go and enjoying opportunities for growth and community. Won’t you join them? Learn more about CDSC at Central DeKalb Senior Center | DeKalb County GA DeKalb BOC Kicks Off New Year On Tuesday, Jan. 10th the Board of Commissioners approved Commissioner Robert Patrick, District 1, as Presiding Officer and Commissioner Mereda Davis Johnson, District 5, as Deputy Presiding Officer. In their second year as officers of the Commission, these two Commissioners presided over the first board meeting of 2023 without any hiccups. I am excited to be working with these commissioners and look forward to a great year! Additionally, I want to congratulate Commissioner Larry Johnson and Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson on their reelection to office. I have so much to learn as a new commissioner on the board and will be leaning on these seasoned public servants for guidance and collaboration.

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